David Fleener
It was somewhat useful before, but now is unusable. There are too many ads, which are too long, and unskippable, and always interrupting. My recipes are at the bottom, past the pre-loaded recipes. To add or edit a recipe, I have to know the exact baker's percentages. Since I don't, I have to switch between edit mode and the mode where I can change the size of the recipe, watching an ad each time, and scrolling down, while trying to remember numbers. Shorter ads and recipes in grams would help.
2 people found this review helpful

john gallant
I love the app but, I try to put my information in and everything seems fine except for one thing... While I live in Canada it doesn't seem it gives me an option for province instead of state which triggers the postal code not to have alpha and numeric so therefore I am unable to subscribe to the premium and remove ads. Hopefully there will be an update to alleviate this problem to allow Canadians to use this app also in a premium state. I will wait patiently for a response.
6 people found this review helpful