Spencer West
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Edit: this is still going on for me. I am forever locked out of this app I guess. This problem has been going on since 2020 based on the instructor help page. You change your password the app logs you out and will NOT recognize the new password you changed on a laptop. If you click forgot password it takes you to a page where you do that "I'm not a robot" test and then.... freezes. A problem that's been had for 4 years that hasn't been fixed? Ridiculous.
25 people found this review helpful

App keeps telling me that I have a new annotation from my professor, but there are no new annotations to speak of. I've been getting these notifications for hours with no resolution other than disabling notifications for the app. When I go into the app to look at the current annotations, it allows me to look at one or two of them and then crashes. Sometimes it doesn't display the notifications at all before crashing.
30 people found this review helpful

The app is ok, the UI is fine, but when sharing a PDF to the app, it is impossible to submit it in the right class and assignment. It auto selects a class and their assignments, and you have to wait painstakingly long for it all to load, because if you switch classes before, it will just have the other classes assignments. It also has a bug with the assignment loading notification, which stays on, even though the assignment was submitted. The inapp scanner is bad. Needs these fixes asap