A Google user
it used to be awesome... BUT for past 3-4 months it's the worse app on Google Play 🥵 So many bugs, letters jumps out of order makes it impossible to type without correcting EACH AND EVERY WORD 😠😠😠 Word of advice to the Dev - get this fixed or lose installs. I' gave up on it already. NEVER AGAIN 😒
24 people found this review helpful

Dov Glazer
As along time user, I can testify that this app used to be awesome. However, it stopped working properly a few weeks ago. Both me and my wife were forced to uninstall, as it continuously froze, not allowing writing or misapplying letters. I hope to return to the app, once it's fixed
17 people found this review helpful

A Google user
I have been using this app for years and love it. Especially the right and left arrows. HELP, the latest update crashes my phone, gets stuck and I cant switch between languages.
16 people found this review helpful