Harald Kreuscher
The app used to work fine until a few weeks ago when I switched to Google VPN and now to Surfshark VPN. Now the app gets the signal from the website and asks for approval, but every time the approval is aborted due to network connection failure. I still have ONESEAL, but I would prefer the app. Even disconnecting the VPN on laptop AND android phone did not help. What to do?????
6 people found this review helpful

A Google user
As I'm getting older and my eyes and fingers are less able to work with a smartphone, and don't want a tablet, I would wish that there could be a Finanzassistent (and Best Sign!!!) App for the PC like Sparda-Bank offers. I don't want a roaming plan for my mobile. I strongly prefer to not use my WiFi at home and connect the PC with a cable. That also saves electricity and microwaves. But who knows? Maybe there is also a PC app in the works. Then I could give more stars in my review. Sparda-Bank offerst the PC App because they WANTED TO. Postbank isn't planning one, because they DON'T WANT TO. I gave my list of reasons. The ONLY solution is a PC BestSign App. Thank you and be well
8 people found this review helpful

Ruth Nwofor
Completely unbelievable. Why has this app prevented me from logging in, not once, but twice! It just changes information randomly and stops you from accessing your bank account online. It doesn't help that the staff of Postbank are quite unfriendly and impatient. Very frustrating, worst choice ever.
18 people found this review helpful