A Google user
App starts up, and sticks forever in the authenticating membership process. If it ever gets past that process, it crashes as soon as I try to load an issue. This is a new tablet, and there shouldn't be problems like this. Having a digital subscription is severely limited if I'm only able to read the magazine in my web browser, and not in the dedicated app, which, by extension, is a service I've paid you money for. Judging by the rest of reviews on here, this is a problem that's persisted for a good long while, and you don't seem any closer to fixing it. I love your magazine, but this needs to be rectified post haste, or you need to just pull this app from the app store, so you can stop advertising that your magazine can be read on Android. As of now, as far as I'm concerned, it can't.
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Shugg McGlummfer
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I thought I could use this to clear out my 40+ years of mags but the search engine is so generic as to be worthless - search for "In the Earth" & it just returns every result for "Earth". Needs sub-filters, like Review, News, etc/ or the ability to insert quotation marks. And the search only goes back to 2018 or so. My S&S sub is worthless and the developers should be ashamed. This is so appalling that I am serious;y thinking of cancelling my DD as the BFI obviously don't care.
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A Google user
poor, i thought it would be too good to be true, being able to access issues of sight and sound all the way back to the 1930s and not expect it to crash all the time. should have read the reviews and steered clear of this poor app. its one way of keeping the print version in circulation. bfi stick to film criticism and funding, at least you know what your doing.
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