Tracy Sehgal
I experienced all the problems reported, HOWEVER I rang the support number and a really helpful guy went through everything with me. When you update the app it updates your support code too (doesn't tell you though!!) I'd been using the same code from green A4, green credit card size to TIE but now ,if you have the TIE you have to put the number at the top right of the front of the card. He waited for me to go through the whole process to make sure it worked and it did. Hope this helps
16 people found this review helpful
Agencia Estatal de Administración Tributaria
August 16, 2023
Gracias por su comentario. Si tiene alguna consulta o error con la aplicación de Cl@ve, puede escribirnos al correo de soporte indicando la misma. soporteapp@correo.aeat.es

Hello House
Robbery of data. Will not function without implementing a device lock. Copies and downloads almost everything on your devices. An insidious government overwatch tool. Even will turn on / off phone, microphone and camera among other devices. Horrendous product that unfortunately becomes an almost requirement to contact and utilize Spain's government departments. Copies IMSEI data and locations device has been or been near and wifi locations accessed or just noticed by the device.
59 people found this review helpful
Agencia Estatal de Administración Tributaria
September 11, 2023
Gracias por su comentario. Puede consultar los términos del servicio y la política de privacidad en "Ajustes", "Condiciones y políticas" en la app y en https://sede.agenciatributaria.gob.es/Sede/avisolegalApp.shtml Si tiene alguna consulta o error, puede escribirnos al correo de soporte indicando la misma. soporteapp@correo.aeat.es