Ramon Herrera
Horrible! It has tooooo much ads, and it needs more locations! I thought it was to have fun and express ourselfs. The worst part was that we have to unlock more parts. 2/10, dont recommend.
3 people found this review helpful

Bella Davies
It's awful it's so annoying everyone I try to make a character it will land the same add over and over again and also u need to unlock the ones that r locked I get it u tried your best but I think this game isn't worth anyone's storage space on there electronics. Put more work like and MAKE THAT U CAN MAKE A FLIPPIN CHARACTER NOT ADDS OVER AND OVER AND OVER
36 people found this review helpful

Jailee Carr
Do not Download this game. It has a bunch of ads, the characters can't sit on the bed or anything fix it, please, I thought this game would be like, talk about, I don't like this game, I might as well just go back to talk about it, this way, this game is horrible. I wonder if people are giving bad reviews.
192 people found this review helpful