Sean mccabe
Been playing for a week now, I will give my rating a 4 out of 5. Game is awesome, but needs some minor work. Graphics are great, visually beautiful, but wish I could zoom out and see more. The layout is well placed and very user friendly. I wish there were more quests, only about an hour worth of quests and then you have to wait 24 hours. My biggest complaint is the lack of language dedicated servers. We should be able to choose a server associated to our language. ALMOST NO English people play.
56 people found this review helpful

Brian Holland
It's not terrible. Exciting at first, with a lot to do. Almost too much, since most of the time you can't complete things without leveling up. You can only get good equipment from the auction. Wording is very small for old man eyes. My biggest complaint, is doing the world boss. High levels pop in and kill you immediately. Nothing you can do about it. Daily tasks are the same thing, over and over. Gets boring soon.
29 people found this review helpful
Dear player, there are some PVP elements in the game. You can choose other time periods to check if it will be better. Thanks for your understanding and support.

Tim Austin
Overall good game play, nice graphics, story development, and character development. However the application needs work to play on phone glitchy, small wording, (like clock at bottom of screen) missing same features that are online, and missing interface options. The application was fun till you got higher level, then would be attacked and at times couldn't fine person. Bosses take more of the screen so hides a lot. They just put web app into phone app and didn't stylize it for smaller screen.
18 people found this review helpful
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