スマホ不要!プロ選手のようにキーボードとマウスで操作しよう。MEmuエミュはあなたにすべての期待を与える。電池が切れてしまうとか画面が小さいとかの問題を心配する必要がなくて、存分CB Payを楽しんでください。新しいMEmuエミュ7はPCでCB Payをプレイするのに最適!完璧なキーマッピングシステムにより、まるでパソコンゲームみたい。マルチインスタンスで複数のゲームやアプリを同時に実行!唯一無二な仮想化エンジンがパソコンの可能性を最大限になる。遊べるだけでなく、より楽しめる!
CB PayをPCでダウンロード!大画面でより楽しむ。電源が落ちてしまうとか通信料が足りないとかの問題を心配する必要がなく、PCの大画面でより快適にゲームを楽しましょう! CB Bank PCL is one of the largest private banks in Myanmar.
CB Bank PCL is one of the largest private banks in Myanmar. CB Bank was established on 21st August 1992 with the permission of the Central Bank of Myanmar under the law of Financial Institutions of Myanmar and the Central Bank of Myanmar.
CB bank always strives to offer enjoyable experiences for the customers with the best solution and most reliable financial services. With such objectives towards improving technology and innovation in the rapidly changing landscape of banking and financial services, we have launched the CB Pay – mobile banking app which is a solution to delight our valued customers. CB Pay not only facilitates banking at your fingertips but also eases your lifestyle.
CB Pay is a mobile banking service which is available to use in all mobile phone devices. Customers can download CB Pay app to their mobile phones and do self-registration for their wallet account. If customers already have ATM card, they can register with their ATM card number so that CB pay will automatically link with his ATM card account.
CB Pay Features
- Transfer money to all CB Bank customers with ATM card number, Account number, Phone number (CB pay number) or even with NRIC number for those who do not have bank account/ATM or CB pay wallet account.
- Pay or Request money with dynamic QR code within CB pay users.
- Make payment with static QR code at stores, restaurants or taxi drivers.
- Check the default account’s balance at sneak peak
- Top-up mobile (MPT, MecTel, Telenor, Ooredoo)
- Enjoy services like ATM card application, loan application or cheque book requests.
- Pay your bills such as electricity bill, 4-TV bill or insurance.
- Top-up Master/Visa cards and repay credit card
- Find your nearest CB Bank ATMs/CRM, branches, Exchange Counters, CB agents and Merchants locations on-the-go.
- Scheduling your payment for specific purpose and dates.
- Find up-to-date exchange rate
1. MEmuインストーラーをダウンロードしてセットアップを完了する
2. MEmuを起動し、デスクトップでのPlayストアを開く
3. PlayストアでCB Payを検索する
4. CB Payをダウンロードしてインストールする
5. インストールが完了したら、アイコンをクリックしてスタート
6. MEmuを使用してPCでCB Payを楽しむ
MEmu App Playerは最高の無料で提供されるAndroidエミュレータで、5,000万人がすでに優れたAndroidゲーム体験を楽しんでいます。 MEmuの仮想化技術は、あなたのPCで何千ものAndroidゲームを快適にプレイすることを可能にします。
Use CB Pay on PC by following steps: