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FamiLami - Habit TrackerをPCでダウンロード!大画面でより楽しむ。電源が落ちてしまうとか通信料が足りないとかの問題を心配する必要がなく、PCの大画面でより快適にゲームを楽しましょう! FamiLami is a gamified task planner for families with children.
FamiLami is a gamified task planner for families with children. The app provides parents with a tool to set tasks and track their completion.
Fun and friendly environment of the game helps children develop healthy habits in:
— household chores
— schooling
— physical development
— daily routine
- social interaction
FamiLami also promotes good behavior, and positive mindset. Rewards and gifts motivate children to stay on track.
Your family gets into a fairy tale world where every member has a pet to take care of and feed with cookies. To earn these treats, kids need to complete real-life activities such as:
— helping around the house
— doing homework and exercises
— assisting other family members
The more real-life tasks children complete, the more cookies they get for the pet. As a thanks for the cookies, pets find magical crystals that children can exchange for gifts at the Fair. Parents can create their own rewards or choose from the list.
FamiLami is totally dedicated to family relationships. So the main aim is to strengthen bonds between parents and their children, foster a deep sense of connection and trust within the family.
Gamified environment offers customizable features to support individuality. And cute characters enable to create a healthy and positive atmosphere for their development.
The app is developed on the basis of attachment theory and emphasizes the importance of the relationship. So in addition to track and task features, FamiLami provides advice from experienced family psychologists and coaches to help parents promote healthy habits, instill a sense of responsibility and self-confidence in their children.
Transform your family routine into exciting experiences !!
Build healthy habits and strong relationships with Familami app.
Enjoy your journey!
1. MEmuインストーラーをダウンロードしてセットアップを完了する
2. MEmuを起動し、デスクトップでのPlayストアを開く
3. PlayストアでFamiLami - Habit Trackerを検索する
4. FamiLami - Habit Trackerをダウンロードしてインストールする
5. インストールが完了したら、アイコンをクリックしてスタート
6. MEmuを使用してPCでFamiLami - Habit Trackerを楽しむ
MEmu App Playerは最高の無料で提供されるAndroidエミュレータで、5,000万人がすでに優れたAndroidゲーム体験を楽しんでいます。 MEmuの仮想化技術は、あなたのPCで何千ものAndroidゲームを快適にプレイすることを可能にします。
Use FamiLami - Habit Tracker on PC by following steps: