Tailscale PC版


Tailscale PC版
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    Tailscale PC版

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TailscaleをPCでダウンロード!大画面でより楽しむ。電源が落ちてしまうとか通信料が足りないとかの問題を心配する必要がなく、PCの大画面でより快適にゲームを楽しましょう! Securely connect to anything on the internet with Tailscale.


Securely connect to anything on the internet with Tailscale. Built on WireGuard®, Tailscale is networking technology that enables you to make finely configurable connections, secured end-to-end according to zero trust principles, between any resources on any infrastructure. Tailscale brings identity to the network layer, so that you can control access based on user identity, not only IP address. This gives you the power to intuitively and flexibly define which users should have access to which services based on existing user identities, as well as groups, services, and subnet ranges.

Tailscale transforms your existing network from a legacy hub and spoke model to a modern, lightweight, and responsive mesh networking architecture that eliminates single points of failure and delivers better performance, scalability, and security for your end users, devices, and remote resources.

Replace legacy VPNs, connect workloads across on-prem and cloud infrastructure providers, power Zero Trust initiatives, and make remote access secure by simplifying software-defined networking and security operations. Deploy a zero-config VPN, securely access resources on any infrastructure, unlock developer workflow networking, and modernize Enterprise networking at scale with Tailscale.

Tailscale is hardware-agnostic—so you can make decisions about your hardware independently from decisions about your network. Tailscale creates an overlay network, using your existing network, so you can incrementally deploy it without needing new network switches or to change your network architecture.

Tailscale works with 100+ technology integrations and dozens of identity providers, and is available on a wide range of operating system platforms, including Apple macOS, iOS, and tvOS, Windows, Linux, and Android.



  • Tailscale PC版

    1. MEmuインストーラーをダウンロードしてセットアップを完了する

  • Tailscale PC版

    2. MEmuを起動し、デスクトップでのPlayストアを開く

  • Tailscale PC版

    3. PlayストアでTailscaleを検索する

  • Tailscale PC版 Install

    4. Tailscaleをダウンロードしてインストールする

  • Tailscale PC版

    5. インストールが完了したら、アイコンをクリックしてスタート

  • Tailscale PC版
    Tailscale PC版 Tailscale PC版

    6. MEmuを使用してPCでTailscaleを楽しむ


MEmu App Playerは最高の無料で提供されるAndroidエミュレータで、5,000万人がすでに優れたAndroidゲーム体験を楽しんでいます。 MEmuの仮想化技術は、あなたのPCで何千ものAndroidゲームを快適にプレイすることを可能にします。

  • 大画面でより精細;無限の待機、電池とドラフィックの極限を超え

  • キーボード・マウス・コントローラーを全力でサポート、より快適

  • マルチインスタンスで複数のゲームを同時に実行



Tailscale - FAQs

  • TailscaleをPCで使用するには?

    Use Tailscale on PC by following steps:

    • Download MEmu, then install and launch it
    • Login to Google Play Store, install the app
    • Enjoy using the app on PC with MEmu
  • PCでTailscaleを実行するための最小システム要件とは?
    • Intel or AMD Processor
    • Microsoft Windows 7 and above
    • 2GB of memory
    • 5GB of free disk space
    • Hardware Virtualization Technology
Tailscale PC版
Tailscale PC版
Tailscale PC版
Tailscale PC版