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透過逍遙模擬器,在電腦上下載HelloLeads CRM - Sales Tracker,享受大熒幕的暢快體驗。 HelloLeads CRM, rated as the best by sales leaders and customers globally, is an easy-to-use mobile CRM to manage leads from phone calls, WhatsApp, Facebook Ads, websites, and digital lead enquiry forms in trade shows.
HelloLeads CRM, rated as the best by sales leaders and customers globally, is an easy-to-use mobile CRM to manage leads from phone calls, WhatsApp, Facebook Ads, websites, and digital lead enquiry forms in trade shows.
The application has powered the 40,000+ sales teams of real estate companies, insurance agencies, financial institutions, training institutes, traders, manufacturers, marketing agencies in Asia, Africa, Europe, North America and Latin America.
When you use HelloLeads Mobile CRM app, it is easy to get leads from different lead sources such as WhatsApp, Websites, Facebook Leads Ads, Instagram and Google Ads automatically. Sale force at organisations, sales managers and sales leaders nurture leads, and convert them to customers using HelloLeads Web and Mobile App.
Adding leads from phone contacts, call logs, and WhatsApp messages help salespeople and sales executives to engage with them quickly, convert, and generate more revenue. Digital enquiry form with a sharable link in the mobile CRM allows easy Instagram and YouTube integration for lead management for Marketing Managers to generate more leads.
Offline access to lead data helps the field sales workforce to stay connected with leads at any time.
Import of lead and customer data from excel sheet directly into this sales tool, makes it easy for businesses to onboard salesmen quickly, connect with their prospects instantly, and sell faster.
Assigning leads and customers to your sales team or sales force and scheduling sales follow-up is a challenge for small and medium businesses. HelloLeads CRM provides simple method to bring all the salesmen as users under one account, to assign leads to them, and to set a follow-up date and time. Follow-up reminder alarms help the sales executives to contact the leads on time and convert them to customers.
HelloLeads data intelligence helps business owners and sales leader to measure sales team performance accurately.
Activity reporting is a hectic task for every sales rep, but for those who use HelloLeads CRM, it becomes easy to report tasks through the activity tab. Sales managers and sales leaders get notified of every sales activity through notifications. Lead tracking is simple using mobile CRM app.
Simplified reports on sales conversion and intuitive UI UX design helps CEOs of small businesses to do sales forecasts and to plan for the future.
HelloLeads sales tool has improved the sales of 1000+ real estate companies by automatically capturing leads from Facebook Ads, websites, and property listing sites. The customizable qualifiers, lead stage, sales pipeline, and follow-up reminders allow realty agents or real estate salesperson to manage their leads more effectively and get more sales for their real estate firm. HelloLeads has become a best fit Real Estate CRM for construction firms, agents, building material manufacturers, and traders in India, USA, UK, UAE, South Africa, and many European countries.
Insurance agents and Insurance companies have benefited a lot with this Mobile CRM to group leads, define lead stage, and set follow-up reminders for sale and renewal of insurance policy. HelloLeads CRM has been preferred as a personal CRM by a large group of insurance agents in USA, UK, UAE, India, and Singapore, South Africa, Spain, Australia, and many European and African countries.
Customers prefer using HelloLeads CRM for geo-tracking of sales managers and sales reps engaged in field sales. Map view of field salesman location and customer location help to plan meetings, onsite demos, and service quickly with a click.
Customers using HelloLeads have reported 70% improvement in customer engagement, 75% improvement in team productivity and 25-50% improvement in sales.
HelloLeads CRM Web App link – https://app.helloleads.io
HelloLeads CRM iPhone App store link - https://ios.helloleads.io
HelloLeads CRM Website – https://www.helloleads.io
HelloLeads CRM Support Email – support@helloleads.io
1. 下載逍遙安裝器並完成設置
2. 啟動逍遙後打開位於桌面上的谷歌商店
3. 在谷歌商店中搜尋HelloLeads CRM - Sales Tracker
4. 下載並安裝HelloLeads CRM - Sales Tracker
5. 下載完成後點擊圖標來啟動
6. 透過逍遙享受在電腦上體驗HelloLeads CRM - Sales Tracker
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